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soccer fitness

등록일2007-06-11 오후 5:08:10

Why you need strength

There is a common misconception about strength training and soccer. Traditionally, soccer players ignored it due to the fear of getting too big and thus losing their agility. The opposite has been proven and nowadays nearly all top soccer players (both male and female) incorporate strength training in their fitness routine. It must also must be emphasized that building up your muscles is a long process that will not produce drastic or mere aestetic results.
Possessing a muscular body gives you more power, speed and affects a many facets of soccer performance. Strength training also helps diminish muscle imbalance. Muscle imbalance causes alteration in some of your movements that may eventually lead to injury.

Strength can be developed through the use of free weights, exercise machines, resistance bands or any exercise that puts resistance on your muscles.

The use of elaborate gym equipment is helpful but is not imperative. It is possible to improve your muscle strength simply by using the weight of your own body for resistance. The most important factors for a successful training regiment are the effort and dedication you put in.

  • Abdomen

    Rectus Abdominis

  • Obliques

    External & Internal Oblique
  • Back

    Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major

  • Buttock

    Gluteus Maximus, Medius & Minimus
  • Quadriceps

    Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Intermedius & Medialis

  • Hip flexor/rotator

    Iliopsoas & Sartorius
  • Groin

    Gracilis, Adductor Brevis, Longus & Magnus
  • Hamstring

    Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus
  • Calf


How do the muscles work? Learn more about the structure and function of the muscles.

-types of muscles

-structure of the muscles

-sliding filament theory

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